Authorities page KPB Siegen-Wittgenstein

Authorities page KPB Siegen-Wittgenstein

Press releases of the Siegen-Wittgenstein police

Please follow - the police answer here. The public consultation hour at Radio Siegen
The Siegen-Wittgenstein district police authority has been breaking completely new ground since November 3, 2021. Together with Radio Siegen, the unique project "Please follow - the police answer here" has been launched in North Rhine-Westphalia. This is a public consultation by the police on the ra...
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Vom 14. Juni bis zum 14. Juli 2024 findet in Deutschland die 17. UEFA EURO 2024 statt. Deutschland war letztmals 1988 Gastgeber der Fußball-Europameisterschaft und ist nun erneut Gastgeber dieser 17. Ausgabe der UEFA-Europameisterschaft. Gelsenkirchen, Dortmund, Köln und Düsseldorf sind während dies...
Siegerland up to date...
In emergencies, rapid assistance is a very important factor. But everyone can do their bit to ensure that the police, fire department, ambulance service and the like can get to the scene quickly and work there safely. This report summarizes the most important things.
Two new recruitment advisors at the Siegen-Wittgenstein district police authority are now available to offer personal and detailed advice to interested parties
27. - 29.10.2023: NRW police action days against domestic burglary - prevention campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer."
...with safety tips & advice
Here you will find monthly updated information on developments in selected crime areas
What is the best way to protect myself from burglars? An important topic that concerns many people.
Police provide information about thieves' tricks and how you can protect yourself
Domestic violence
It can happen anytime and anywhere. A person is harassed, threatened, robbed...
Dear reader, You or your friends or neighbors have called the police in an acutely violent situation. This was the right decision! Living free of violence is not a privilege. It is your right!
Victims of domestic violence need help. In acutely dangerous situations, the police provide this help as soon as they are informed. This initially prevents the domestic situation from escalating further.
Eva has been happily married for years - at least that's what everyone thinks. Because friends and colleagues don't see the bruises on her back and upper arms. They are from Eva's husband. He beats her.
Combating and preventing traffic accidents
New specialist transport strategy - same goal, new approach - #Life Fewer deaths and serious injuries in road accidents - that is the declared goal of Vision Zero. At the start of 2024, the NRW police are realigning their strategy for greater safety on roads, cycle paths and freeways.
A senior citizen crashes his brand-new motorcycle due to a driving error. Luckily, the rider is only slightly injured. Find out what to look out for at the start of the motorcycle season here.
Four drivers face a driving ban after speed measurements at the kindergarten in Freudenberg-Lindenberg. This was a traffic surveillance operation under the keyword #LEBEN, the new trademark of the NRW police strategy in the area of traffic.
The Siegen police pulled a tuned BMW out of circulation on Friday night (February 16). Find out here what the expert ultimately found.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110