Häusliche Gewalt
Domestic violence
Dear reader,
You or your friends or neighbors have called the police in an acutely violent situation.
This was the right decision!
Living free of violence is not a privilege.
It is your right!

The police clarify the situation, prevent an escalation of violence and can expel the perpetrator from the home.
You can use this time to seek advice and support.
If you agree to your name, address and telephone number being passed on, the police will inform specialists from a counseling center who will contact you.

What happens now? What will the police do?
Violence in relationships is not a private matter. It is a criminal offense such as assault, coercion or deprivation of liberty.

The police have clarified the situation, prevented an escalation of violence, expelled the violent person from the home and handed you the documentation of the intervention. You will need this for the family court, where you can apply for further protection (see section: “How can I protect myself beyond the 10-day period?”).

An expulsion order and ban on return can be issued for all types of cohabitation and shared accommodation - regardless of marital status, degree of kinship, sexual orientation or ownership.

The violent person has had the opportunity to take urgently needed personal belongings out of the home. If necessary, they may only enter the home accompanied by the police and with your consent in order to retrieve other personal belongings from the home.

The police ban on return applies for a period of ten days and cannot be subsequently shortened or lifted by the police. This serves to protect you from possible influence by the perpetrator. For your safety, the police will check compliance with the ban on return during the period without prior notice. A violation can be prosecuted with a fine or imprisonment.

These are measures for your protection. The police will not tolerate any acts of violence and will act consistently. They will always file a complaint and initiate investigative proceedings. They are obliged to do so.

If the violent person tries to enter your home during the ban on returning, please call the police immediately on 110. This also applies if the violent person ambushes or stalks you outside your home.

How can I use the time for myself?

The 10-day period of the police expulsion order gives you the opportunity to seek advice in peace and organize protection and help.

In addition to the help and advice services already mentioned in your area, women victims of violence in particular can get support from the nationwide help hotline.

Discussions with specialists at an advice center are confidential

You can call 08000 116 016 for anonymous, free and confidential advice at any time, 365 days a year. Advice is available in many languages with the help of interpreters. After an initial consultation, women affected by violence can be referred on if they wish.

You can also contact one of the local advice centers listed below directly.

For people living in same-sex partnerships, the state coordination of anti-violence work for lesbians, gays and trans*people “Rubicon” offers advice on the topic of “violence in partnerships”.

You can find information about the specialist center at


You can find help and advice for men at:


You can receive anonymous advice at more than 30 locations in NRW if you wish.

How can I protect myself beyond the 10-day period?

You can apply for a protection order at your local family court. You can make the application in person or with the assistance of a lawyer. You can use the police deployment documentation to support your application.

The court can prohibit the violent person from making any contact with you - e.g. at work, nursery school, school or near your home - so that you are not harassed or threatened.

Violation of court protection orders is a criminal offense under Section 4 of the Protection against Violence Act and is punishable by imprisonment of up to one year or a fine. If the perpetrator disregards protection orders, please call the police for help. The police are informed by the court about the protection order and can take further safety measures.

Also report any violations to the responsible family court.

Please note: If you have not filed an application with the family court, the violent person may return after ten days.

What should I bear in mind when applying for a protection order at the family court/legal application office?

In the Siegen-Wittgenstein district, you can contact the following offices:

Amtsgericht Siegen (responsible for Burbach, Freudenberg, Hilchenbach, Kreuztal, Netphen, Neunkirchen, Siegen and Wilnsdorf)


57072 Siegen, Berliner Straße 21

Tel.: 0271 / 3373 - 0

Amtsgericht Bad Berleburg (responsible for Bad Berleburg, Bad Laasphe and Erndtebrück)

Rechtspfleger(in)  für Familiensachen

57319 Bad Berleburg, Im Herrengarten 5

Tel.: 02751 / 92 53 - 0


Applications can generally be made during office hours. However, it is often helpful to make an appointment by telephone beforehand. To ensure that a positive decision can be made for you at short notice, please bring as many copies of the following documents as possible:

  • Precise (if necessary handwritten) list of the events of the last days / weeks / months
  • Medical certificates on injuries inflicted (if available)
  • Police file number, documentation of the police operation
  • if there are witnesses: brief written description of the events that can be witnessed (with name, address and signature of the witnesses)
  • Address or current whereabouts of the violent person
  • if legal aid is to be applied for at the same time, documents on the financial situation are required (payslip, notifications from the social welfare authorities, bank statements, etc.)

What options do I have to regulate access rights for my children?

If the violent person has a right of access to a joint child, the protection order can be restricted. If there is a threat of further violence and the child is at risk, the youth welfare office or a lawyer can help to restrict or suspend access rights.

  • Possible regulations are
  • handover in a protected space
  • accompanied or supervised contact
  • a temporary ban on contact
  • suspending contact

Every child has the right to a non-violent upbringing

Many children who experience domestic violence are ashamed of their parents' behavior. This makes it difficult for them to confide in someone. They also feel guilty for what happens at home. It must be made clear to them that they are not responsible for their parents' behavior.

If children experience violence at home, violence becomes the norm for them. They do not learn that conflicts can also be resolved without violence. In adulthood, these children often repeat what they have experienced, namely tolerating or practising violence. Children therefore need qualified support to help them process and overcome their experiences of violence.

This support is provided by specialist counselors at youth welfare offices, educators in women's shelters or through special services offered by trauma therapists.

  • Help and support for children and young people

    Children and young people can get help and support if they have problems at home, at school, with friends or if they feel threatened,

  • at the children and youth hotline 116 111 of the “Nummer gegen Kummer”, available anonymously and free of charge from Monday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. (www.nummergegenkummer.de)
  • at the youth welfare office
  • at the counseling center for girls in need - IFPAKE e.V., 57223 Kreuztal, Moltkestraße 11, Tel.: 02732 / 41 33, E-Mail: info [at] maedchen-in-not.de, www.maedchen-in-not.de
  • at the victim protection department of the Siegen-Wittgenstein police, Tel.: 0271 / 7099 - 4800  oder  0271 / 7099 - 4814 (KPO.Siegen-Wittgenstein [at] polizei.nrw.de (KPO[dot]Siegen-Wittgenstein[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de))

    Children or young people can also call the police on 110 if they feel threatened.

Local advice centers:

Women's counseling center
57072 Siegen
Freudenberger Straße 28
Telefon: 0271/21887
E-Mail: frauenberatung [at] frauenhelfenfrauen-siegen.de (frauenberatung[at]frauenhelfenfrauen-siegen[dot]de)

Women's shelter
Tel.: 0271/20463
E-Mail: frauenhaus [at] frauenhelfenfrauen-siegen.de (frauenhaus[at]frauenhelfenfrauen-siegen[dot]de)

Police victim protection
Kriminalkommissariat Kriminalprävention/Opferschutz
57076 Siegen
Weidenauer Straße 231
Tel.: 0271 / 7099 - 4800  oder  0271 / 7099 - 4814
KPO.Siegen-Wittgenstein [at] polizei.nrw.de (KPO[dot]Siegen-Wittgenstein[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

Weisser Ring e.V.
Opfer-Telefon 116 006 (kostenlos)
info [at] weisser-ring.de
Sie erreichen den Weissen Ring auch über den polizeilichen Opferschutz

Kreispolizeibehörde Siegen-Wittgenstein
Kriminalkommissariat Kriminalprävention/Opferschutz
Weidenauer Straße 231
57076 Siegen

KPO.Siegen-Wittgenstein [at] polizei.nrw.de (KPO[dot]Siegen-Wittgenstein[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)


With the kind support of the State Office of Criminal Investigation of North Rhine-Westphalia

and the local courts of Siegen and Bad Berleburg

                                 Status February 2016

Translated with DeepL.com (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110