I have to say something about this..., how do I do it?
The employees of the NRW police are committed to your safety every day. Were you satisfied with our police work or did you have cause for complaint?

Your feedback is very important to us in order to improve our daily work.
If you are satisfied with a police measure or the behavior of police officers, you can inform any police authority informally - in writing (letter, e-mail) or verbally. We are also happy to receive recognition.
If you are not satisfied with a measure taken by the police or the conduct of police officers, you can submit your complaint informally - in writing or verbally - to any police authority. Your complaint will be investigated as part of a qualified complaints management process and you will always receive feedback.

Information on the complaints procedure

Complaints about services and supervision are informal legal remedies. They are not bound by time limits and forms and have no suspensive effect.

Anybody can make use of them, even if they are not directly affected. The complaint triggers self-monitoring by the administration, in this case the police, with regard to the legality and expediency of the official act or conduct in question.
The information contained in the complaint about police weaknesses should be identified and used as potential for improvement.

The first step is to check whether it is a case of personal misconduct (official supervisory complaint) or a wrong decision (professional supervisory complaint). The necessary steps are then taken to clarify the facts of the case.


However, we would also like to point out that in the event of deliberately false accusations against employees of the NRW police, the prosecution authorities are obliged to initiate investigations by the public prosecutor's office.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110