Radar measurements at the kindergarten - four drivers face a driving ban

Police speed check
Radar measurements at the kindergarten - four drivers face a driving ban
Four drivers face a driving ban after speed measurements at the kindergarten in Freudenberg-Lindenberg. This was a traffic surveillance operation under the keyword #LEBEN, the new trademark of the NRW police strategy in the area of traffic.
Police Siegen-Wittgenstein
Police Siegen-Wittgenstein


Four drivers are facing a driving ban after speed measurements at the kindergarten in Freudenberg-Lindenberg. The traffic service of the Siegen-Wittgenstein district police authority carried out speed measurements there on Monday (February 12) from morning to midday.

Of almost 2,200 vehicles measured, almost one in 20 was speeding.

The speed camera went off a total of 86 times. The display of the measuring device showed 66 km/h for a Mercedes from the Olpe district. The speed limit at this point is 30 km/h. The car was therefore traveling at 36 km/h too fast. In addition to a one-month driving ban, the driver can expect a point in Flensburg and a fine of 260 euros according to the catalog of fines. In total, four vehicles were speeding this morning, each of which is threatened with a driving ban.

The danger of such speeding becomes clear in the case of the Mercedes that was flashed: at 30 km/h, the stopping distance for emergency braking is just under 14 meters. At 66 km/h, the stopping distance is 30 meters. Unexpected traffic situations can occur, especially in the vicinity of a kindergarten. The aforementioned difference can then make the difference between #LIFE.

The police therefore appeal: "Speed is still one of the main causes of serious traffic accidents. Please adhere to the applicable speed limits so that so-called vulnerable road users also reach their destination safely."

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110