Prevention services

Patrol car
Prevention services
We want you to live safely!
Police traffic accident and crime prevention is an integral part of the overall police mandate.

This task is implemented on the basis of defined standards by specially trained colleagues from the Crime Prevention/Victim Protection Department and the Traffic Service (traffic accident prevention and victim protection).

Further information on the possibilities and tasks can be found here:

Prevention is better...
  • "Crash Kurs NRW" is a traffic accident prevention program for young adults in which the NRW police, among others, support educational institutions as part of their mobility education. The program is aimed specifically at young people in the 10th and 11th grades as well as vocational school students.
    A burglary can change your life. That's why "Secure your home - so that it stays your home." Against burglars and for safety and security within your own four walls. Lock up!
    Dear reader, You or your friends or neighbors have called the police in an acutely violent situation. This was the right decision! Living free of violence is not a privilege. It is your right!
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110