The Central Evaluation Office (ZEVA)

ZEVA - Central Evaluation Office
The Central Evaluation Office (ZEVA)
ZEVA advises and supports clients such as police authorities or the Ministry of the Interior of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the design, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of police programs, projects or individual measures. It conducts its own evaluations, initiates self-evaluations or acts as a client and permanent contact for external contractors in the case of larger evaluations.
About ZEVA
The overriding goal of their work is the comprehensible, cause-oriented conceptualization, project-based implementation and transparent evaluation of police programs, projects or measures.
The two paragraphs were initially included in the Police Act for a limited period in 2018 and have now been evaluated by ZEVA.
The aim was to analyze what changes the newly introduced sections led to and whether the objectives pursued with the law were achieved.
The evaluation examines parts of the concept and implementation in the police authorities of Aachen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Münster and Paderborn.
The study examined whether the requirements of the framework concept had been further consolidated in the police authorities and whether positive effects had resulted from this.
In focus: Field of action 2 "Cooperation between the police and the clubs' fan representatives" and the implementation status of the recommendations for action.
The measure "noticeable reduction in guest ticket quotas for high-risk matches" was evaluated, as well as its implementation and impact on match day.
What is the added value of Skala? Does the system open up new potential for prevention? These and other questions were the subject of the study.
Did the public prosecutor's office, juvenile court assistance and the police in Paderborn succeed in implementing the planned measures and achieving the objectives of the cooperation?
Conditions for success, hurdles, recommendations for action - the planning and implementation of the initiative in eight model authorities was evaluated here.
Preventing criminal careers of children and young people - was it possible to integrate the recommendations for action into the concept?
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