Help with domestic violence

Partnership violence
Help with domestic violence
Those affected often feel that their situation is hopeless. Get professional help. In acute violent situations, call the emergency number 110.

In the following, the police provide you with an overview of help services that can be accessed online or by telephone.

If violence occurs or if you fear that violence is taking place, call the police immediately by dialling 110.

The police intervene consistently in cases of domestic violence and all other criminal offenses. By exhausting all measures under police law and criminal procedure, the police also want to break up entrenched violent relationships, protect victims and enable evidence-based prosecution.

If you are afraid that you will continue to be attacked by your partner, you have the option of taking refuge in an emergency shelter (e.g. women's shelter). You can enter your zip code here to find places in women's shelters in NRW.


Help hotline "Violence against women"

The help hotline "Violence against women" is a nationwide advice service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. Relatives, friends and professionals can also receive professional advice anonymously and free of charge. The service is multilingual. With the help of interpreters, telephone advice is available in 18 foreign languages.

The free number 116 016 is available around the clock all year round.


Help line "Violence against men"

The help hotline "Violence against men" is available to men who have experienced or are still experiencing violence on the free number 0800 1239900 Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by email to beratung [at] (beratung[at]maennerhilfetelefon[dot]de). This service is also available nationwide.


Parents' helpline "Nummer gegen Kummer"

The parents' helpline is aimed at mothers and fathers and guardians, who can get straightforward and anonymous concrete advice.

The free phone number 0800 111 0550 is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 7 pm.


Child and youth helpline "Nummer gegen Kummer"

The child and youth helpline offers telephone advice for children, young people and parents.

The number 116 111 can be reached free of charge - Monday to Saturday from 2 pm to 8 pm. You can contact them by email around the clock.


For children and young people: Help center for sexual abuse

On the website of the campaign "Together against abuse" in the help section, there is direct contact via chat, email or telephone for help with sexual abuse.


Further Information

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110